
Castroism needs coleros (people who stand in line for others) and hoarders – among other reasons – in order for people to be able to get products that the state’s inefficiency cannot supply. (14ymedio)

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Yoani Sanchez, Generation Y, 3 August 2020 — “Speculators and product hoarders will be punished with 180 days in prison,” reads the text of legislation that could have been passed this week, were it not for its effective date of that far off 1962. Since then, and for almost six decades, resellers have been presented by the Cuban official discourse as the cause of shortages, which, in reality, is an unwanted but inevitable effect.

Back then, Law 1035 approved by the Council of Ministers determined that a person could not buy more than 11.5 kilograms (about 25 pounds) of agricultural products. Nor was it legal to transport an amount above that limit through the country’s streets and highways, except in an authorized state vehicle. The offense not only carried a six-month prison sentence, but also the confiscation of the car.

My parents had not even met, my birth was barely an infinitesimal part of a future possibility, and on this Island the authorities were already pointing to coleros  (people who stand in line to hold a place for others) and to informal merchants as at fault for the fact that many basic products could not reach homes with fewer resources. I heard the accusation again in the 80s when I was a child, in a Cuba that despite the Soviet subsidy was still marked by the periodic absences of certain merchandise. continue reading

In the 1990s, instead of intoning a mea culpa for gambling on that losing horse that was the socialist camp, official slogans once again pointed to the US embargo and to backyard hoarders as the reasons for the deep famine that was upon us. The responsibility should always be placed elsewhere, far from the Plaza of the Revolution, far from Fidel Castro’s voluntarism*, and far from the intrinsic inefficiency of the economic model imposed from above.

Thus, we come to this new crisis in which the informational script that is disseminated in the official media has hardly changed to explain the disaster in which we live. Now, the “primetime newscast” is full of police operations against merchants who deal in car parts, onions or powdered milk. The authorities call for the creation of armband wearing brigades to monitor the lines to prevent the same individual from standing in line multiple times, selling his turn or holding a place for his friends.

All this gesticulation is nothing more than pure folderol and a very calculated campaign of distraction. Nobody, other than the Cuban State itself, has all the tools at hand to end such practices, and not, as they have led us to believe, through criminalization or repression. It is only where there are shortages that hoarders can thrive and enrich themselves, the black market for a product comes to fruition where it is missing or prohibited.

Speculators and product hoarders will be punished with 180 days in prison,” reads the 1962 law.

It is in the hands of the regime to cut off the sources from which coleros and resellers thrive, but not with more restrictive legislation, but rather with flexibilities, a decrease in the role of the State in the economy and trade, openings to allow private parties to import, and a series of measures that do not attack the annoying effects of the crisis but rather help an entire country to get out of this long desert of deficit and “not enough.”

Although it bares his teeth and shows them on the screens as the new adversary to defeat, the truth is that Castroism needs coleros and hoarders – among other reasons – in order for people to be able to get products that the state’s inefficiency cannot supply. There are, in defined accounts, distribution tools that regulate the market, not under the rules of egalitarianism and social justice, but based on the demand and purchasing power of the customer.

Those who can pay for the services of a colero or a reseller live better than those who, with fewer resources or with only their wages, have to spend long hours in a line. It is basically similar to the segregation or economic apartheid which is deepened by the new stores selling food only in foreign currency. The difference is that, in the first case, the offer that is prohibitive for many is in the hands of a private party, and in the second it is the Government itself that implements and authorizes it.

This new raid that we are experiencing against clandestine merchants is no more than another pantomime, a theatrical performance that has been repeated dozens of times in the last half century. The only thing that changes is the age or forgetfulness of the frightened public, who watches this crude spectacle from their armchairs.

*Translator’s note: The principle of relying on voluntary action (used especially with reference to the involvement of voluntary organizations in social welfare). [Source: Quizlet]


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The police confiscated hundreds of auto parts in addition to cash and three houses belonging to a citizen who was selling accessories and auto repair services. (Capture/You Tube)

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Havana, August 2, 2020 — In the bull’s eye of the police and the official campaigns are now hoarders and coleros (someone paid to stand in line for someone else), whom the Government blames for the shortages. The case of a resident in the Havana municipality of Cotorro, accused of “illicit economic activity” and “”contraband,” is added to other arrests of this type denounced in the national media.

天涯明月刀佛跳墙食谱介绍-天涯明月刀佛跳墙怎么获得_牛 ...:2021-7-6 · 佛跳墙 暴击产物 暴击率:2% 食物口味:鲜、香 是开启宴席的道具之一。 坛启荤香飘四邻,佛闻弃禅跳墙来。 鲍鱼、海参、香菇、蹄筋、墨鱼、瑶柱、鹌鹑蛋等十几种鲜味混于一坛,煨制时盖得严实,什么都没漏出来,等到开盖,浓鲜出世,香 ...

In the report can be seen images of police officers entering a home with several rooms in which there are hundreds of spare parts for vehicles. The video also includes a tour through another two houses linked to the accused. One of them was rented out as a glassworks to another citizen. continue reading

In this domicile, the police seized 158 plates of glass and 17 window frames, “on which they were working to determine their origin,” the report specified. In the cash registers of the three homes, they found 15,870 euros, 1,100 dollars, 68,718 convertible pesos and 57,010 Cuban pesos.

First Lieutenant Susana Cañizares Corps said that the “negative economic effect” on the country is more than 306,000 Cuban convertible pesos. This affirmation is accompanied by the statement of Gustavo Reyes Sierra, business director of the State company, Auto Parts, who says he has no idea how the accused “can have this volume of auto parts.”

Sierra reminds us that when these types of products are imported as personal effects, “in no case can they be used commercially. This is such a considerable quantity it had to be acquired inside the country,” he adds, saying he opened his door to businesses or individuals with the legal capacity to import commercially and they might be involved.

“There’s a huge volume, and they’re from the same lot,” Sierra says about the hundreds of tires found in the place. A statement that points to a possible network of corruption in the State import infrastructure, a route that is regulated by the authorities but frequently used for bringing in merchandise to the black market.

This Wednesday’s report is nothing new. From the beginning of the pandemic they have escalated persecution and punishment of those who practice “illicit economic activities,” “speculation” and “hoarding,” crimes that are especially sensitive for a country that suffers from chronic shortages, now aggravated by Covid-19.

Several trials of these presumed offenders have been televised as “exemplary measures,” and the police have allowed State media to accompany the agents on the raids to capture the criminals, who are identified and interviewed on camera.

Translated by Regina Anavy


COLLABORATE WITH OUR WORK: The 跳墙vp team is committed to practicing serious journalism that reflects Cuba’s reality in all its depth. Thank you for joining us on this long journey. We invite you to continue supporting us by becoming a member of 14ymedio now. Together we can continue transforming journalism in Cuba.


The destitution of the presentation of the Limtel is not industrial modesty, but disrespect for the buyer, not to mention the quality of the soap. (14ymedio)

佛 跳墙14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar, Havana, 31 July 2020 — In the mid-1970s a close relative had the opportunity to travel to the German Democratic Republic (GDR). As our first family member to leave and return to the Island, he offered a kind of press conference surrounded by uncles, cousins and nephews.

His eyes sparkled when he told us about the wonders he saw there. Markets where there was food, families who obtained an apartment after less than a year of waiting, the possibility of acquiring a vehicle for professionals, daycare centers within the reach of all mothers. “That will be our future!” He said as excited as he was convinced.

Twenty years later, when the wall was already history, I had the opportunity to make my first trip outside of Cuba and by chance went to Germany. Among the unforgettable experiences of that first “going abroad,” I remember that in Berlin some friends invited me to see an exhibition. As nobody explained to me before entering what the exhibition was about, I toured those corridors without understanding what was the purpose of an exhibition dedicated to basic products. continue reading

My friend Christoph explained to me, when we were already at the exit door, that the exhibit was a sample of the ‘stellar’ merchandise that was distributed in the extinct GDR, and ‘the appeal’ of the sampled products consisted in making fun of the rustic finishes, of the battered containers, the faded labels and the lousy presentation, in addition to questioning the alleged usefulness of those products of Real Socialism. “With your permission,” I said to those who had invited me, after learning the reason for the exhibit, “I have to repeat the tour.”

A quarter of a century later, I fantasize about a similar exhibition where exhibition curators of the future make fun of us, showing especially how rationing affected us and how little you can buy with the salary that the State assigns to the working class.

I have chosen, almost at random, two candidates for that exhibition: the dish detergent and the laundry soap that was just sold to us through the rationed market system.

In an advertisement published in the Juventud Rebelde newspaper in August 2018, the Limtel brand liquid detergent was promoted. The label, the bottle, the color of the liquid and the closure of the lid were all objects of praise, all of which had been the subject of consumer complaints about the ease with which the product could be adulterated.

But we are in 2020 and the Limtel bottle arrives with the label off, a not insignificant decrease in its contents and an easy-to-open cap. The justification for such impairment is not a search for simplicity, nor can one even appeal to the naturist and rustic concept promoted by other markets outside the Island, since evidently these are formulas that do not respond to or fit into any framework of respect for the environment or protectors of human health. The destitution of its presentation is not industrial modesty, but disrespect for the buyer.

I am not giving details of the bar of washing soap out of respect for the intelligence of the readers. Just look at it, with its sharp edges, because — fortunately — the smell cannot be captured by the snapshot. Unfortunately, there are many people in this country who sacrifice their skin and nails literally washing with such a rock, most of them women, who lose hours of improvement, personal and professional happiness, for trying to clean a sheet with this stone.

Other products will appear in this hypothetical future exhibition to serve as an example of the humiliation to which we consumers have been subjected under this inefficient system. The list will be long: women’s sanitary pads that look like sandpaper between their thighs; the ground beef or poultry, which, just looking at it moves one more to repulsion than salivation; plastic baby toys with sharp edges that can cut their thin lips. All this with a marketing and an aesthetic that motivates one more to tears or depression than to the impulse to buy.

But our wall is still standing, although we can already store images and stories for this bizarre exhibition. Viewers will not need additional explanations. They will understand everything from having heard or lived it.


COLLABORATE WITH OUR WORK: The 14ymedio team is committed to practicing serious journalism that reflects Cuba’s reality in all its depth. Thank you for joining us on this long journey. We invite you to continue supporting us by becoming a member of 14ymedio now. Together we can continue transforming journalism in Cuba.


Cuba imports 8,000 tons of coffee annually from Vietnam, and the rest brings it from other countries, to satisfy a demand that is estimated at about 24,000 tons. (Flickr)

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Juan Diego Rodríguez, Havana, 2 August 2020 — While concerned coffee consumers confirm that the product has disappeared in stores that accept Cuban convertible pesos (CUC), Serrano and Cubita packages abound in the newly opened foreign exchange markets. Owning dollars now makes the difference between having a little morning eye opener or resorting to an herbal tea.

It is almost unthinkable to imagine the daily routine of most Cubans without a good coffee. Every morning the Island seems to start waking up to the sound of a brewing coffee pot, and there are those who say they cannot even go outside if they do not have a cup filled with this popular drink beforehand.

But in recent months, acquiring the product has become difficult because it is scarce in state markets and its price has risen considerably in informal networks. “I’ve had a week when the only thing I have to drink when I get up is an infusion of oregano or sugar water,” Nora, a housewife from Cerro Havana tells 14ymedio. continue reading

“I was stretching the little bit of powder that they gave me and made the coffee watered down now I don’t have even that. Now when I get the smell of a neighbor who is brewing some coffee, I get like a caged lioness,” laments the woman. “Yesterday I went to the foreign exchange market on Boulevard de San Rafael and there is Cubita coffee but I have no dollars or family abroad to send them to me.”

正宗佛跳墙价格-最新正宗佛跳墙价格、批发报价 ...- 阿里巴巴:阿里巴巴为您找到87个今日最新的正宗佛跳墙价格,正宗佛跳墙批发价格等行情走势,您还可以找佛跳墙盅,直销佛跳墙炖罐,正宗化州橘红,正宗月饼,佛跳墙金玉满堂,佛跳墙罐,佛跳墙罐子,正宗火锅筷,佛跳墙 即食,海文铭佛跳墙市场价格、批发价格等相关产品的价格信息。

The TuEnvío platform is one of the few legal paths that remain to be able to get hold of coffee, but it can only be purchased in combo packages with other items. (14ymedio)

Although coffee is one of the products that is still distributed through the network of warehouses with rationed and subsidized food, the package contains only about 7 ounces, each consumer can only buy one a month, it costs 4 national pesos (roughly 20¢ US), and it is 50% other grains, most commonly peas.

“We are also having difficulties with the supply of beans because part of our mixes are made with national products to which is added coffee beans or other types of beans that are imported, but now we have no money to buy them,” added the Ministry worker.

The country imports about 8,000 tons of coffee annually from Vietnam and the rest brings it from other countries in the area in order to satisfy a demand that is estimated at about 24,000 tons a year. Of this, the island has commonly produced barely a third.

The last coffee harvests have barely exceeded 6,000 tons, in a nation that during the 1960s managed to reach up to 62,000 tons of the bean. Despite attempts and official calls to raise these numbers, over the years the sector has experienced stagnation in some aspects and frank deterioration in others.

Before the Covid-19 crisis it was not difficult to find imported coffee on the black market. With a wide assortment, informal networks offered packages of the brands La Llave, Bustelo and Pilón, with a little more than 280 grams (roughly 10 ounces) and that cost around 8 CUC, the salary for a whole week of a Cuban professional.

With the closure of the borders and the travel ban for residents in the country, the supply of the product brought from abroad is practically exhausted and the few examples that are for sale exceed 12 CUC. Previously, coffee was “diverted” from the official warehouses and available in the “informal” market, but even that supply is no longer available.

Near 26th Street, a few yards from the Havana Zoo, a neighborhood of wooden and metal houses has survived for decades from the sale of coffee stolen from the nearby roasting facility. In small houses they separate, pack the merchandise and distribute it to informal vendors who have a wide network of contacts with coffee shops, paladares (private restaurants), and private customers.

“We are dry,” a vendor tells several families in a block of nearby buildings; for years he has brought them “quality coffee cheaper than in the shopping but with better flavor than that in the rationed market.” The small merchant says that “the roasting machine is not grinding because there is no coffee and there is still no date for the situation to recover.”

A few yards from the roasting machine, one of the markets where food is sold in foreign currency opened its doors last month. Dozens of packages of Cubita and Serrano coffee are seen on its shelves, priced at more than $4. Outside the store, an informal vendor proposes to ’rent’ his magnetic card to customers who want to enter but have no currency. “Buy everything you want and for every dollar spent you pay me 1.25 CUC.”

A package of coffee bought through that intermediary reaches 6 convertible pesos. “A fortune but I am going to pay because in my house there may be a lack of food and even soap, but without coffee we cannot function,” lamented a customer who, finally this Saturday, decided to accept the reseller’s offer.

食物语佛跳墙膳具怎么搭配好?佛跳墙膳具搭配推荐_18183 ...:2021-9-3 · 食物语佛跳墙是游戏中玩家培养比较多的食魂,输出能力控制能力都还是很不错的,许多玩家想知道佛跳墙膳具怎么搭配好,膳具可以提升能力,接下来小编给各位带来了佛跳墙膳具搭配推荐。

The on-line TuEnvío platform is one of the few legal paths that remain to be able to get hold of the product, but it can only be bought in combo packages, accompanied by other merchandise with less demand, and the total price can exceed 24 CUC, an impossible sum for many families who live entirely on their salaries.

“To buy a package of coffee, I also had to buy two tomato sauces and a bottle of oil that I didn’t need, but well, at least tomorrow when I get up I will be able to put on the coffee maker,” says Viviana, a customer of this on-line commerce site which, since its opening, has suffered much criticism.

“I have to divide the package I bought between my mother, a neighbor who gave me a little last week and an aunt.” For Viviana, “Life makes sense again because without coffee I was like a zombie.”


COLLABORATE WITH OUR WORK: The 14ymedio team is committed to practicing serious journalism that reflects Cuba’s reality in all its depth. Thank you for joining us on this long journey. We invite you to continue supporting us by becoming a member of 14ymedio now. Together we can continue transforming journalism in Cuba.


Participants in the event at the Heredia Theater Convention Hall. (14ymedio)

佛跳墙v2.1.114ymedio, Manuel Calvo, Santiago de Cuba | 30 July 2020 — In response to accusations presented on July 13 at the United Nations that the Government of Cuba violates religious freedoms, a colloquium on religious freedom was held in Santiago de Cuba on Monday, with the Council of Churches, which includes the denominations recognized by the authorities of the Island.

The meeting, organized by the United Evangelical Church in Cuba Lutheran Synod, was held at the Heredia Theater Convention Center and was attended by 36 guests, representing 16 Evangelical Churches and other religious denominations, as well as officials from the Ministry of Justice and the Communist Party of Cuba’s Office of Religious Affairs.

However, evangelical leaders of churches not approved by the government were excluded. This is the case of Pastor Alain Toledano, of the Apostolic Movement of Cuba, who, according to the aforementioned UN declaration, has been the victim of continued harassment along with his family and members of his congregation. continue reading

“I did not know of the existence of that event, to which no one invited me,” he told 14ymedio by phone. “I imagine that this is related to the demand made at the UN about the persecution and eviction that we have suffered. They have stolen the property of the family and the church, they have prohibited me from leaving the country and they continue to slander me.”

For Toledano, “This Council of Churches does not represent the true interests of the Church in Cuba, it is an organ manufactured by the Government that responds directly to the political interests of the Communist Government.”

To date, the Cuban Government has not yet officially ruled on the accusations of discrimination on the grounds of religious beliefs and the dismantling of churches established in the country. However, others have done it for him, starting with the National Council of Churches (NCC), whose statement has been published by the official press.

Along the same lines, most of the speakers at the colloquium in Santiago de Cuba have expressed themselves by insisting on the existence, since 1990, of a constructive dialogue between the Church, the State and the Cuban Communist Party (PCC). There was criticism for pastors who maintain “a politicized and aggressive testimony — instead of being evangelicals, agents of peace — which leads them to feel and publicly express a visceral hatred against the Government.”

However, in the Heredia theater it was not all applause for the official speech. Bishop Ismael Laborde spoke bluntly: “In the Stalinist model of socialism that exists in Cuba, thinking that the existence of a single party implies the existence of a single ideology is a historical error and a political error.”

佛跳墙的做法_【闽菜】――坛启八宝“佛跳墙 ...-菜谱_美食天下:佛跳墙特点;汤色清亮、悠悠酒香、汤味鲜美、食材软烂、用料多样、营养丰富。 温馨提示; 1、鱼翅是软骨鱼类的鳍和尾的软骨组织部分,可分为鲨鱼翅和鳐鱼翅两大类。

Pastor Alain Toledano Valiente. (Facebook)

Ramírez asked why he has to depend on the Communist Party to invite a brother to preach in his church, to host him, among other things, “Why do I have to be held accountable when I want to hold my events?” And he added: “This is why we need a law regarding worship where we are recognized, because as long as that does not exist, the Church is invisible.”

The coordinator of the Council of Churches in Santiago de Cuba, Alejandro Riveras Díaz, spoke in favor of a law regarding worship. “We do not have legal standing, we do not have a voice in this country, the Constitution does not consider us as an entity, they hold us back because we need PCC permits for everything. They have to control everything, even to rent a premises.”

In another of his statement, Bishop Ismael Laborde, who had criticized the ideology of the single party, was more conciliatory with the authorities. Referring to the United Nations resolution, he affirmed that “in Cuba no one is persecuted for the cause of Christ and, if people have legal conflicts, it is not for preaching the gospel; those conflicts usually refer to illegalities committed.”

He went even further. “We in Cuba have more freedom than in the United States in that sense, what happens is that that freedom is not organized. Nobody prohibits me from preaching at a bus stop, for example, this is not about the Church defending a party or a government, the Church is not even a national but a universal pilgrim, the Church must respect Caesar’s decisions and in this place the Church must be a prophet.”

A day before the colloquium, which was held in the hall of an official institution with all the required support, while Pastor Alain Toledano was preaching about the “government of the antichrist”, his temple was attacked by a group of sympathizers of the regime, who they a “佛跳墙vnP“.

Toledano told 14ymedio that “when the police showed up at the scene and found that everything was in order inside the temple, they decided to withdraw instead of stopping the insults, obscene words and shoves that the protesters carried out with total impunity.”

食物语佛跳墙膳具怎么搭配 佛跳墙膳具套装推荐-太平洋电脑网:2021-9-11 · 食物语佛跳墙膳具搭配攻略是玩家们想知道事情,使用合适的膳具将让食魂更强力喔,那么食物语佛跳墙膳具怎么搭配、食物语佛跳墙膳具套装推荐 ...


COLLABORATE WITH OUR WORK: The 14ymedio team is committed to practicing serious journalism that reflects Cuba’s reality in all its depth. Thank you for joining us on this long journey. We invite you to continue supporting us by becoming a member of 14ymedio now. Together we can continue transforming journalism in Cuba.


The independent journalist Camila Acosta was arrested this Friday by officials from the Ministry of the Interior, in Havana’s Central Park. (14ymedio)

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Havana, 31 July 2020 — Independent journalist Camila Acosta*, a reporter for Cubanet, was detained this Friday by Interior Ministry officials while she was in Havana’s Central Park.

Two uniformed women asked the reporter for her identity card and also for the phone number with which she was transmitting what had happened to social networks.

“No, I’m not going to give you my phone number,” Acosta is heard saying before the video stops. In the last seconds, the voice of an officer is also distinguished, telling the reporter that she had to accompany them to the patrol car. continue reading

Meanwhile, CiberCuba activist and reporter Iliana Hernández* was also detained near the Police Station located on Calzada de Infanta y Manglar, in Havana, where she had been informed that her colleague was arrested. “We have located Camila Acosta, she is on Infanta,” Hernández wrote before being detained.

Just before four, Iliana Hernández announced on her networks that she had been released and that the officers had taken her to her home. Upon arrival she made a live broadcast on Facebook where she said: “I get up in the morning and another day of surveillance.” She also said that Maykel Osorbo** also had an operation outside his house and that reporters Esteban Rodríguez and Héctor Luis Valdés were arrested.

Valdés was released within a few hours with a fine of 150 Cuban pesos. In a Facebook post, he said that officers told him that he had been fined “for trying to commit public disorder.”

After almost 10 hours of detention, the journalist Camila Acosta was released. During the arrest, they forced her to take off her clothes, confiscated 160 convertible pesos, papers, a USB memory stick, medicines and 17 face masks that said “No to 370.” This was reported in a statement that was broadcast live on Facebook Live.

Last Thursday, several journalists and activists also denounced State Security operations in their homes to prevent them from going outside.

Artists such as Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara*, Tania Bruguera* and independent journalist Esteban Rodríguez, a collaborator with ADN Cuba, have denounced a similar situation.

Translator’s notes:

*The links here are to the individuals’ Twitter accounts, should readers care to follow them.

**See also: Tendencia Cubana 


COLLABORATE WITH OUR WORK: The 14ymedio team is committed to practicing serious journalism that reflects Cuba’s reality in all its depth. Thank you for joining us on this long journey. We invite you to continue supporting us by becoming a member of 14ymedio now. Together we can continue transforming journalism in Cuba.


佛 跳墙
Western Union continues sending remittances to the Island, but not in dollars, only in CUC (Cuban convertible pesos). (14ymedio)

14ymedio bigger

14ymedio, Havana, July 31, 2020 – The delivery to Cuba of remittances in dollars sent from the United States, which had begun through the agencies Cubamax and VaCuba, is now paralyzed.  On Thursday, el Nuevo Herald reported that the French bank Crédit Mutuel, for fear of possible sanctions by Washington, stopped service to Fincimex, the financial arm of the Cuban army, which controls these deliveries.

“Crédit Mutuel closed its doors to Havanatur, Cubapack and American International Service,” said one the Nuevo Herald’s sources, who requested anonymity for fear of reprisals. “They tried to get other banks to take this business, but none wanted to for fear of the sanctions. What’s sad is that the people in Cuba need dollars, and it deprives their families of sending support to them.”

Western Union, which will continue sending remittances to the Island, denied on Wednesday, however, that it is sending dollars. The addressee in Cuba will continue to receive the money in CUCs (Cuban convertible pesos), which are losing value day after day in the informal market and are not accepted in the new hard currency stores. continue reading

The closing of the French bank accounts also hurts other Cuban Government businesses, like the sending of packages from the U.S. through Cubapack, and individuals traveling to the Island. One of the sources cited by the Miami newspaper said that charter flight agencies cannot pay Havanatur due to the closing of the accounts.

On June 3, The U.S. Department of State included Fincimex on the “black list” of Cuban entities with which Americans are prohibited from doing business. In its press release, the Department notes that these “subentitites”, as it calls them, “disproportionally benefit the dictatorship of the Castros”, which it accuses of using “the profits from these businesses to oppress the Cuban people and finance its interference in Venezuela”.

Translated by Regina Anavy


COLLABORATE WITH OUR WORK: The 14ymedio team is committed to practicing serious journalism that reflects Cuba’s reality in all its depth. Thank you for joining us on this long journey. We invite you to continue supporting us by becoming a member of 14ymedio now. Together we can continue transforming journalism in Cuba.


佛跳墙:除了泄露数据的 VPN,DNS 测试工具也不靠谱:2021-2-27 · 佛跳墙:除了泄露数据的 VPN,DNS 测试工具也不靠谱 雷锋网 2021-02-27 22:01 6647 文 | 大壮旅 来自雷锋网(leiphone-sz)的报道 雷锋网按,天天把佛跳墙梗 ...

14ymedio bigger

14ymedio, Reinaldo Escobar, Havana, July 31, 2020 – The resurgence of the coronavirus has frightened the Cuban authorities, who have decided to apply new measures that affect Havana and Artemisa, places with a concentration of new cases.

This Friday, the figure for confirmed cases (11) is higher than that of yesterday (9), but it shows a descent with respect to the worrisome data of the preceding days, when 33 cases were reported. It remains to be seen if the data are timely or confirm a tendency to spike provoked by the last infections. Of the 50 local transmission events that have happened in Cuba since March, six continue to be active and are concentrated in certain provinces.

Two of them happened in Bauta after the celebration of a religious festival, and another four in the capital, in the municipalities of Centro Habana, Cerro and La Lisa. This last, according to what was known on Thursday, was the most recent resurgence, which affected 11 people. continue reading

Local authorities in Havana have warned that there are municipalities with very high risk in the capital; among those are La Lisa, La Habana del Este, Centro Habana, Marianao, Diez de Octubre and Cerro. Arroyo Naranjo, San Miguel del Padrón, Playa, Plaza de la Revolución, Regla and Cotorro are considered high risk, and La Habana Vieja, Boyeros and Guanabacoa remain medium risk.

In order to stop the transmission, the plan proposes that Havana consider forming groups of health workers or students to intensify surveys, in addition to increasing testing according to the risk in each zone. Besides municipalities, there are businesses and areas considered high risk, such as beaches, transport, swimming pools and restaurants, where there should be more testing.

Havana continues relying on homeopathy as a prevention method and will keep giving the product PrevengHo-Vir to the vulnerable population and to those already in quarantine through contact or return to the Island. Also, Nasalferon (a type of interferon), will be sent to workers like health personnel and drivers, who come into contact with widespread populations, sick or healthy.

佛跳墙的做法_佛跳墙怎么做_杰米287_美食杰:2021-2-1 · 佛跳墙的做法,佛跳墙怎么做请看佛跳墙的做法步骤图: [随意吐槽]谁家有那么大锅啊?酒坛还一定要用绍兴的?还把水烧热倒出,再倒入材料进去煮,这是在给酒坛消毒吗?

Health officials have noted the lack of social discipline as a cause for the present outbreaks, and they point to private parties, family reunions and inconsistent use of a mask as the main problems. However, they avoid mentioning the crowds on public transport and the lines to buy food as two high-risk scenarios.

In Artemisa in the last 15 days, the rate of incidence has grown enormously and is situated at 12.24%; on Monday it was 6.41%. The governor of the province says that he’s trying to control it by complying with the ordered quarantine. There are 14 isolation centers in the province with more than 700 places, which now house the contacts of everyone infected in Bauta.

The Minister of Public Health, José Ángel Portal Miranda, gave a figure 153 patients with Covid-19 in Cuba, of which 152 are in stable condition, while the figures on deaths have remained steady for two weeks.

Translated by Regina Anavy


COLLABORATE WITH OUR WORK: The 佛跳墙v2.1.1 team is committed to practicing serious journalism that reflects Cuba’s reality in all its depth. Thank you for joining us on this long journey. We invite you to continue supporting us by becoming a member of 14ymedio now. Together we can continue transforming journalism in Cuba.


Juan Antonio Fernandez Palacios, Deputy Director of Press, Communication, and Imagery of the Ministry of Foreign Relations

佛跳墙vnP14ymedio, Havana, 31 July 2020 — The Spanish press agency EFE’s representative in Havana, Lorena Canto, was challenged on Twitter by two senior officials of Cuba’s Ministry of Foreign Relations in response to a tweet that referenced the “persecution” suffered this Thursday by several independent journalists.

佛跳墙价格报价行情 - 京东 -京东是国内专业的佛跳墙网上购物商城,本频道提供佛跳墙价格表,佛跳墙报价行情、佛跳墙多少钱等信息,为您选购佛跳墙提供全方位的价格参考,提供愉悦的网上购物体验!

The deputy director of the General Directorate of Press, Communication, and Imagery of the Ministry of Foreign Relations, Juan Antonio Fernandez Palacios, responded to her a few hours laters:  “About the ’independent’ thing I have my doubts.  Furthermore, I don’t believe it.  As for the rest of what you say, we’ll talk, because it does not seem to me and I do not believe that it is the function of a correspondent to do internal politics.  The stories do not belong to those who invent them.” continue reading

Alberto Gonzalez Casals, director of the International Press Center, asked her:  “What do you call ’independent journalists’?” and pointed out that her tweet “is without doubt political activism, which is not the job of Efe.”

Norges Rodriguez, founder of the outlet Yucabyte, complained that Fernandez Palacios was threatening the reporter.  “This (totalitarian) Cuban government official threatens a foreign correspondent for denouncing the harassment of her Cuban colleagues,” added Rodriguez.

In the debate that was generated on Twitter, journalist Ivette Leyva Martinez pointed out that Fernandez is an “official of a dictatorship,” and it is not his job to decide the role of a journalist.  “Shoemaker, stick to your shoes.  Certainly it is evident with his threatening language.  Thanks for demonstrating again the censorial and anti-democratic nature of the Castro-ists,” she said.

Mario José Penton, Cuban reporter for the Nuevo Herald, also pointed out the words that they directed to Canto as threats.  “When a foreign correspondent dares to defend a Cuban colleague, besieged at home by State Security, this is what happens.  They threaten her, too.  They have no limits.  What a disgrace,” said Penton.

In that context, Gabriel Salvia, director of the Center for the Opening and Development of Latin America (CADAL) highlighted the fact that Cuba is “the only country in Latin America that does not permit the legal existence of an NGO dedicated to the defense of press freedom and the practice of journalism.”

On Thursday there were several journalists from independent outlets and activists who suffered 全球最贵的十大美食,佛跳墙只能排最后-乐途旅游网 - lotour:2021-4-28 · 佛跳墙之煨器,多年来一直选用绍兴酒坛,坛中有绍兴名酒与料调合。煨佛跳墙讲究储香保味,料装坛后先用荷叶密封坛口,然后加盖。摄影 / 丁丁 佛跳墙的做法显而易见的,佛跳墙的做法是比较复杂的,没有深厚的厨艺很难做成功。摄影 / 丁丁 摄影 / 丁丁, without a court  order.  Journalists like Monica Baro Sanchez, Luz Escobar, Yoani Sanchez, Reinaldo Escobar, and Hector Luis Valdes, in addition to activists and artists like Tania Bruguera, Ariel Maceo Tellez, Omara Ruiz Urquiola, and Iliana Hernandez, among others, were under surveillance by State Security for the whole day without being told their reasons.



COLLABORATE WITH OUR WORK: The 佛跳墙vnP team is committed to practicing serious journalism that reflects Cuba’s reality in all its depth. Thank you for joining us on this long journey. We invite you to continue supporting us by becoming a member of 佛 跳墙 now. Together we can continue transforming journalism in Cuba.

Eusebio Leal Spengler, Historian of Havana, Dies

Eusebio Leal Spengler, Historian of Havana, passed away July 31 in Havana.

14ymedio bigger

14ymedio, Havana, 31 July 2020 — Eusebio Leal Spengler, Historian of Havana, passed away this Friday after a long illness, as confirmed by the official newspaper Granma.

A Doctor of Historical Sciences and specialist in Archaeological Sciences, Eusebio Leal Spengler was appointed director of the Museum of the City of Havana in 1967 and was considered the main promoter of the restoration of Old Havana.

A figure closely linked to the ruling party, especially to Fidel Castro, the historian controlled the restoration works of the historic center of the Cuban capital, an area that has experienced sustained tourist growth.

Leal was born on 11 September 1942 in the Cuban capital and was self-taught. At the age of 16 he began working in the municipal government of the city and was closely advised by the then Historian of Havana, Emilio Roig. He later enrolled in the Faculty of Philosophy and History where he concluded his studies in 1979. continue reading

In 2016, Leal Spengler received the title of Doctor Honoris Causa from the University of Havana. For years the historian suffered from diabetes and four years ago he underwent a surgical operation to remove gallstones.

That same year, Leal suffered a severe setback, when   from the Habaguanex company and the Office of the Historian of Havana, which became part of the Business Administration Group of the Revolutionary Armed Forces (Gaesa).

In this way, Gaesa took control of the Fénix real estate company, the Puerto Carena construction company and Habaguanex, three entities that obtained important benefits derived from tourism, the sale of merchandise and the restoration of heritage buildings.

Pedro Roig, executive director of the Institute of Cuban Studies, considers that Leal “forged his cultural world between light and shadow. A passionate, educated and obedient commissary of the Communist Party, he will be remembered for his commendable work of restoring the historic center of the City of Havana, converted into an attractive tourist destination (snatched away by Gaesa) and his unworthy devotion to the regime of terror, misery and fear of Fidel Castro.”

In 2013, Eusebio Leal received the rank of commander of the Order of the Legion of Honor, the highest decoration awarded by France. Before, he had been distinguished with the titles of Knight and Officer of the Legion of Honor.

In recent years, the historian’s health had visibly deteriorated, as tributes to his professional work increased. His diabetes caused him to experience several relapses and hospitalizations.

According to the official press and confirmed by this newspaper, there will be no funeral services for now. “In accordance with his family, his ashes will be conserved so that, once the Covid-19 epidemic has been controlled, and as a fair recognition of his imperishable work, our people can pay him a well-deserved tribute in the Capitol of Havana, an emblematic structure that he restored in support of the nation,” said Cubadebate.


COLLABORATE WITH OUR WORK: The 佛跳墙vnP team is committed to practicing serious journalism that reflects Cuba’s reality in all its depth. Thank you for joining us on this long journey. We invite you to continue supporting us by becoming a member of 14ymedio now. Together we can continue transforming journalism in Cuba.

Police Operation in Havana Prevents Activists and Journalists from Leaving Their Homes

Hidden under a tree, the policemen of the operation against journalist Mónica Baró were barely visible from her window. (Facebook)

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Havana, 30 July 2020 —  From the early morning hours on Thursday,  several activists and independent journalists began to denounce police operations around their homes. More than a dozen people have reported that members of the State Security are preventing them from going out, although the reason for this prohibition is, so far, unknown.

Journalists Monica Baró, Luz Escobar, Iliana Hernández, Hector Luis Valdés, Yoani Sánchez, and Reinaldo Escobar, among others, are under house arrest without a warrant and with police, some in civilian clothes and others in uniform, stationed around their homes.

“I tried to leave my house just now and two women officials from the Ministry of the Interior and a man in civilian clothes approached me when I had not advanced even twenty meters from the entrance of my building to inform me that I could not leave due to ’isolation’,” denounced Monica Baró on her Facebook account. The journalist asked the officials why the measure was only applied to her and “the street was full of people.” continue reading

On the ground floor of the building housing the editorial office of the newspaper 14ymedio, a man in civilian clothing also questioned Reinaldo Escobar. Next to the young man, who after much insistence from Escobar identified himself with a State Security ID, were two policemen dressed in uniforms. “Today you cannot leave,” the political police officer reiterated on several occasions.

When Escobar insisted on knowing the reason for the prohibition, the man threatened to take him to a police station and charge him with the crime of “contempt” against the authority. Ultimately, the journalist was never informed of the reasons to prevent him and his wife, Yoani Sánchez, from leaving the house.

In a similar situation are also the activist Omara Ruíz Urquiola, the independent reporter Camila Acosta and the artist Tania Bruguera, who was detained on the way to her home: “They put me in a police car while I asked what the reason was.” A few minutes later she was returned to her home and warned that she could not go outside.

Bruguera joked that someone had put on a performance by spreading a false call for a demonstration that has mobilized the police. Which is one way to explain the surprising unfolding, the causes of which are still unknown.

In June, the Cuban Observatory for Human Rights (OCDH) denounced in a report that the Island Government has taken advantage of the pandemic “to intensify de facto the already existing limitations on the rights and freedoms of citizens.” The Madrid-based organization compiled in its document “at least 67 arbitrary arrests”, especially in the provinces of Havana, Santiago de Cuba and Villa Clara, as well as 74 “other types” of repressive actions, especially harassment of through police subpoenas.

At the end of that same month, a large police deployment prevented a demonstration organized in protest at the murder of Hansel Ernesto Hernández at the hands of the National Revolutionary Police (PNR).

Similarly, on July 20, the police thwarted an LGTBI protest in front of the Radio and Television Institute in response to the homophobic words of the director of Communication of that state institution, Yusimi González Herrera.


COLLABORATE WITH OUR WORK: The 14ymedio team is committed to practicing serious journalism that reflects Cuba’s reality in all its depth. Thank you for joining us on this long journey. We invite you to continue supporting us by becoming a member of 14ymedio now. Together we can continue transforming journalism in Cuba.

[已失效]FQ插件对比:红杏VS佛跳墙 | 生活清道夫:2021-1-6 · 佛跳墙的优点是,速度快,无论什么时候观看youtube都能保证720P的流畅度。 并且支持5个设备同时在线,不担心被踢下线的情况。 缺点是新添加翻墙网站的话,需要到其官网添加,有些不方便,而且流量有限制,对于翻墙数据需求量大的用户来说,有些不足,不过有额外的流量包购买。

Cubans spend a huge part of their lives standing in line to meet their everyday needs. (14ymedio)

佛跳墙v2.1.1Elías Amor Bravo, Economist, 29 July 2020 — Granma, on its website, says that complaints from readers about so-called “dishonest speculators” are accumulating. Really, you can’t fall much lower or be worse. On the part of Granma, of course.

The article, I can’t remember the author, describes the long lines and the coleros, who are people who are paid by others to stand in line for them. Both things are plentiful in these months of COVID-19 in Cuba, but the most important question isn’t asked: Why do the lines and coleros exist? It’s curious that the article doesn’t mention Miami, Madrid or Mexico City, where no Cuban has to get up at dawn and spend sleepy hours of sweat standing in interminable lines in order to get groceries. It’s unthinkable.

In Cuba, the line is a hardship, something that can’t be avoided if you want to eat every day and have some basic cleaning product to combat the dirt. And Granma, instead of going to the root of the problem, which they know perfectly well, attacks and insults the “dishonest speculators”, who are just the tip of the iceberg. continue reading

The article describes the numerous and varied behaviors of “resolving” that Cubans practice, as if it were a matter of a crime, “like standing two or three times in line for several people, selling their spots to anyone who can pay at high prices, to accelerate their moment of buying”.  Serious crimes, no doubt. They don’t say, however, that this happens when the consumer, after desperately trying to buy a product for several unfruitful days of standing in line, ends up running to the service that assures him of being among the first to have access to one of the scarce products for sale.

佛跳墙的由来_起名字知识_先知词语战略全案:2021-4-8 · 佛跳墙,佛跳墙原名福寿全,它是世间古老而难得的美味。它是一种菜品的名字。为什么取名叫做佛跳墙呢?接下来,先知中国起名网就来跟大家介绍一下佛跳墙的由来。 佛跳墙,始于

And of course, immediately the Ministry of Interior arrived and ended the fun, with the emission of sanctions for more than 1,285 coleros from the beginning of the pandemic, with the certainty that not everyone who received a fine actually engages in these activities. There’s always a threat of repression thrown in, just in case.

So that, in order to be prepared for what the Ministry views as a growing phenomenon, and thus nothing is said about how to address it with economic measures that are necessary and advisable, the Government announces through Granma more repression against what it calls “the indolence of people with no social commitment, dedicated to accumulating products needed by families in the midst of a context of shortages and a national health emergency”. Once more, incredible but true. Insults, condemnations, judgments about presumed crimes, lack of respect for the principle of presumed innocence. For the Communists, the guilty are the innocent.

The columnist even “doubts the humanity of these beings, who, motived by individualism, forget that the children, elderly, pregnant and sick won’t have the opportunity to get what they need”, without realizing that thanks to these dehumanized beings, many of the above-mentioned people now manage to have access to the goods and services they need but can’t get in any other way, not even in their dreams. Rather than committing crimes, these beings are providing a benefit to many people who are willing, logically, to pay for that. Nothing is free, and the Communists know it, although they toe the Party line when it’s convenient.

The amount of the fines is also questionable, because they don’t bring in a lot of money. If the fines were excessively high, the sanctionable act would demand a higher price from the client, which would reduce the size of the demand and, thus, the potential capacity of the offer. So these fines of 100 to 300 pesos are perfectly designed by the Government to keep the coleros and “dishonest speculators” continue to offer their services. Ask the authorities why.

The article continues along other paths, pointing out that many coleros are the same people in charge of organizing the lines in these establishments, which makes the crime worse, but without recognizing that the problem could be solved by supplying enough products in the shops. Then in Havana, as in Madrid, the lines would disappear, along with the coleros and the speculators. An impossible dream for several generations of Cubans who know that their economic system is incapable of accomplishing this basic life goal.

Proposals like scanning identity cards to organize the lines, improving control inside the shops, using the ration card, administrative surveillance of workers, etc. are the Communist solutions to this phenomenon, which, if applied, would surely multiply. Don’t be deceived. These proposals are the ones that Granma says must reach online readers of the newspaper. I’m afraid there are many people who are ignorant about economic matters and only see the situation through an absurd ideological lens that has reached its end. Perhaps the moment for education has arrived.

Translated by Regina Anavy


COLLABORATE WITH OUR WORK: The 14ymedio team is committed to practicing serious journalism that reflects Cuba’s reality in all its depth. Thank you for joining us on this long journey. We invite you to continue supporting us by becoming a member of 14ymedio now. Together we can continue transforming journalism in Cuba.


A month ago, the roof of one of the rooms in their home fell on them. (Courtesy)

14ymedio bigger14ymedio, Luz Escobar, Havana, 28 July 2020 — Doing things well in Cuba is not just a matter of willpower. Daniel Llera’s family has been living with a mountain of rubble for more than a month in the garden of their house, on Calle 114 in Marianao, due to the lack of diligence of the local authorities. Since the roof of one of the rooms in their house fell on them in June, they have not been able to find a legal solution to get rid of the rubble.

“When the Comunales* director came, he explained to me that I couldn’t get a trash bin because this was a busy road. He told me that I had to find a person who would authorize it,” Daniel’s mother, Raiza Llera, tells 佛跳墙vnP, who also lives in the affected house.

“On several occasions I have spoken with the mayor’s advisor, and the last thing he has told me is that the director of Housing has to come, but I do not know what Housing has to do with this,” she laments. continue reading

She also asked the municipal section of the Party for an appointment with the secretary, but did not find a solution there either. “We are at the same point as we were a month ago when the director of 佛跳墙vnP came and the rubble is still at my house and without any response from the Marianao government,” regrets Raiza Llera, who has had her garden full of rubble since June 20.

中国经典名菜正宗佛跳墙的详细做法-百度经验:2021-12-31 · 中国经典名菜正宗佛跳墙的详细做法,佛跳墙是一道很具中国特色的传统名菜,味道鲜香可口,滋味醇厚,而且营养价值丰富,下面小编就来介绍一下正宗的佛跳墙怎么制作。

The woman explains that when part of the house collapsed, the local People’s Power gave her a very quick response: “They were very correct, they immediately sent a technician, who issued an opinion, and the next day they put us on a Housing List to receive a subsidy.” However, she is surprised and angry that they have not given her an answer about the container she requested. “In my block there is a colleague who is a civil servant and three times a week they placed a trash bin in front of her house when she was making repairs. Why is it so difficult for me to put one out there?”

It is “a very old house” that needs repair, explains Daniel. “That moment when a room collapses you feel desolate and more, because my grandmother also lives here. If I put the rubble on the street, they will fine me, and if I throw it away in the wrong place they will do the same.”

“I have been in this situation for a month or so and they have not given me any answer. The only thing the director of Comunales suggested was to knock down the wall and take the rubble out onto the street, a very crazy and pointless thing,” he explains.

In the absence of a response from the authorities, Raiza Llera turned to Facebook to point out that “the laws in Cuba are for everyone equally.” Daniel, meanwhile, regrets that it is “impossible to carry out the procedures as the law dictates” and hopes that by making this complaint the “superior” authorities will find out about the situation and help him solve the problem, so that he does not have to resort to illegal methods.

*Translator’s note: Servicios Comunales佛跳墙的做法大全_佛跳墙的家常做法_怎么做 ...-专题_美食天下:佛跳墙,又名满坛香、福寿全,是福建福州的当地名菜,属闽菜系。佛跳墙菜的原料有几十种之多:海参、鲍鱼、鱼翅、干贝、鱼唇、鳖裙、鹿筋、鸽蛋、鸭珍、鱼肚、花胶、瑶柱、鸽子、排骨、蛏子、火腿、猪肚、羊肘、蹄尖


COLLABORATE WITH OUR WORK: The 14ymedio team is committed to practicing serious journalism that reflects Cuba’s reality in all its depth. Thank you for joining us on this long journey. We invite you to continue supporting us by becoming a member of 14ymedio now. Together we can continue transforming journalism in Cuba.

The Adventure of Opening an Account in Cuba in MLC (Hard Currency)

Waiting in line. A daily fact of life in Cuba.

跳墙vpElías Amor Bravo, Economist, July 26, 2020 – Imagine that you’re going to your bank to open an account. One of the simplest operations in any country in the world.

You really could save yourself the trouble, if you want, because online banks offer a way to do that. In Cuba, it’s more complicated, although this option also exists.

On the Island, it’s normal to have to visit the bank, and in addition, to hurry, because there are only three places where you can open the account, and you will probably have to wait in long lines. Specifically, you can open the account in the Bank of Credit and Commerce (BANDEC), the Metropolitan Bank (BM) and the Peoples’ Savings Bank (BPA), all of them State controlled.

After waiting for hours, you address the employee and tell him you want to open an account in freely convertible money (MLC — moneda libremente convertible) so you can buy goods and services in the MLC shops, which are usually better supplied than the regular State stores. Your goal is to get the debit card associated with the MLC account, so you can buy everything.

The first thing the employee clarifies is that the MLC shops are accepting U.S. dollars and euros. You can forget about using any money from Cuba’s commercial friends, like Venezuela, China and even Russia. They also accept, with a certain reluctance, Canadian dollars, British pounds and Swiss francs. And other currencies, like the Mexican peso, the Japanese yen, the Danish crown, the Norwegian crown and the Swedish crown, but they tell you that the account will be denominated in U.S. dollars, in accordance with the official exchange rates.

You’ve come well prepared, with your identity card (for example, your drivers’ license won’t work, but it’s okay, irregularities are thereby avoided), and you’re surprised when the employee informs you that you don’t need money to open the account. What’s more, don’t worry because the account can be opened with a zero balance. You don’t understand anything, and the wad of bills you have in your pocket is worrisome, because the employee is blunt when he tells you that the account has to be supplied with transfers made from the exterior – from abroad – whether through a bank or by Fincimex (the financial arm of CIMEX, a State entity) with remittances.

With a certain resignation you sign the first pile of papers, and stamps and other administrative elements are added. In the conversation with the employee, he suggests that you use the AIS USD card, which Fincimex offers the population, and he even promotes your request from overseas; in other words, the possibility exists that remittances from the exterior can be requested in the country where you are located. The employee can’t avoid commenting that my card might take a long time, we don’t do well with plastic here so it’s better to get the card outside, you would be able to make purchases sooner.

佛跳墙在线试听_小蓓蕾组合_高音质歌曲_九酷音乐 -《佛跳墙》 是 小蓓蕾组合 演唱的歌曲,时长01分58秒,由作词,作曲,如果您觉得好听的话,就把这首歌分享给您的朋友共同聆听,一起支持歌手小蓓蕾组合吧!

佛跳墙的由来 - 禅问网:2021-1-29 · 佛跳墙的由来 - 佛跳墙,又名满坛香、福寿全,是福建福州的当地名菜,它的创始人是清朝光绪年间的大厨郑春发。佛跳墙是一道中国名菜,制作工序十分繁琐。制作佛跳墙的原料有鲍鱼、海参、鱼唇、杏鲍菇、蹄筋、鹌鹑蛋等十几种,为了保障最后的口感要先将这些食材分别处理烹制,...

天涯明月刀佛跳墙食谱介绍-天涯明月刀佛跳墙怎么获得_牛 ...:2021-7-6 · 佛跳墙 暴击产物 暴击率:2% 食物口味:鲜、香 是开启宴席的道具之一。 坛启荤香飘四邻,佛闻弃禅跳墙来。 鲍鱼、海参、香菇、蹄筋、墨鱼、瑶柱、鹌鹑蛋等十几种鲜味混于一坛,煨制时盖得严实,什么都没漏出来,等到开盖,浓鲜出世,香 ...

The fact is that when Monday comes you still don’t have the card, and when you consult with friends from work you realize that some have spent two weeks waiting, without news. The shops are open, but people can’t buy with cards that were issued by the banks. The lines shown on Cuban television are due to the fact that many buyers have other cards that can be used the same way.

In effect, in addition to the cards from BANDEC, BM and BPA, there are the AIS USD cards of Fincimex, which function in these shops and also in the other electronic payment channels of the Cuban banking system. You thought about the Visa card that was brought back from one of your trips to Miami, which you couldn’t find anywhere.

The employee has you sign several papers, while he gives final instructions. With this account and debit card you can go to another shop, not only to the USD one, and use it the same way. You also can access ATM machines and withdraw money, but be careful, you won’t get dollars or euros, only Cuban convertible pesos (CUCs), at the same exchange rate that the bank has right now for the U.S. dollar.

Then, you dare to formulate a question, only one. Are you sure that the tax on the dollar has been eliminated? The employee smiles and informs you that it was eliminated on Monday, July 20, in accordance with the measures approved recently by the Cuban Government. Before, if you came to the bank with North American dollars in cash, a 10% discount would apply. For example, if you brought 100 dollars they would deposit 90 in your account. Now that doesn’t happen. And he goes back to insist, again, that the account is now open and you don’t need to deposit cash right now.

However, he reminds you again about the three ways to have funds on the MLC cards. He recommends a bank transfer from the exterior and also by way of remittances through Fincimex.

The second can be through a transfer you receive from another USD account, between individuals.

The third is cash, and it can be in North American dollars or other currencies.

At this point, you wonder why they rejected your cash deposit and whether you understood anything at all.

Translated by Regina Anavy


COLLABORATE WITH OUR WORK: The 14ymedio team is committed to practicing serious journalism that reflects Cuba’s reality in all its depth. Thank you for joining us on this long journey. We invite you to continue supporting us by becoming a member of 14ymedio now. Together we can continue transforming journalism in Cuba.

天涯明月刀佛跳墙食谱介绍-天涯明月刀佛跳墙怎么获得_牛 ...:2021-7-6 · 佛跳墙 暴击产物 暴击率:2% 食物口味:鲜、香 是开启宴席的道具之一。 坛启荤香飘四邻,佛闻弃禅跳墙来。 鲍鱼、海参、香菇、蹄筋、墨鱼、瑶柱、鹌鹑蛋等十几种鲜味混于一坛,煨制时盖得严实,什么都没漏出来,等到开盖,浓鲜出世,香 ...

Cycle rickshaws, known as bicitaxis, are common in Cuba; and the country has received a donation of 23 “auto” rickshaws, which are similar but powered by a motor.

14ymedio biggerElías Amor Bravo, Economist, 24 July 2020 – A few days ago, a post-COVID update on the interventions of the state in the transport and tourist industries was held at the round table. In today’s article, we will look at the former, an area within the Cuban economy with closer ties to the private sector and thus particularly relevant for discussion.

The paralisation of transport following the confinement measures and the resulting decrease in tourist arrivals since the start of the year have determined the results of a sector now on the brink of collapse. Especially vulnerable to this situation are the private brokers who rely on loans and charging the public for their services.

Shamefully, the ministro (transport minister) did not produce any contingency measures, such as reimbursement of the lost revenue suffered by transport carriers who now find themselves on the verge of bankruptcy. This is unlike other countries, where governments have offered temporary loans to help combat the complex situation caused by the pandemic. Instead, private carriers in Cuba have been left to their own fortune by the government. 佛 跳墙

Instead, the transport minister was quick to proclaim, at the very beginning of his presentation, that “the reactivation of public transport in La Habana was the greatest challenge, requiring the guidance of the Ministerio de Transporte (Ministry of Transport), the Consejo de Defensa Provincial (Provincial Defense Council) and of bodies with the Ministerio del Interior (Ministry of the Interior)”. What else is to be expected? Even during periods where none of the problems created by COVID-19 existed, the industry has long resented the various difficulties weighing it down that are caused by chronic structural deficiencies, such as weak demand and an inflexible operating framework in the provision of of public and private services.

This raises the question, how are problems within the sector being addressed? For the transport minister, the answer is simple, “by guaranteeing compliance with the measures, by the posting of inspectors at stations and by the establishing of a youth force in collaboration with 家常佛跳墙,食材居然这么便宜,在家也能尝到! - 简书:佛跳墙,又名满坛香、福寿全,是福建福州的当地名菜,属闽菜系。相传,它是在清道光年间由福州聚春园菜馆老板郑春发研制出来的。佛跳墙富含营养,可促进发育,美容,延缓衰老,增强免疫力,乃进补佳 … (the Union of Young Communists) aimed at identifying problems and sharing them via a WhatsApp group”.

In other words, monitoring and informing on private brokers. A cocktail of increased order, discipline and obedience is the speciality of a ministry seeking to eliminate what it calls “irregularities” in the capital, such as playing music at a high volume or staging protests against the inspectors on behalf of the population. If someone complains about the transport service, they are deemed responsible for an “irregularity”, which could then be classified as a offence. A masterclass in the handling of complaints and demands by the communist government. It is incredible that situations such as the one outlined above can still arise in the 21st century.

The transport minister repeatedly described the problems within the sector, which “require the understanding of the public during this period”, and added that “a systematic reform of the stops is underway with the active involvement of the Defence Council”, another one of the regime’s informants. Images of the long queues of Cubans waiting to use a public transport network running at full capacity all throughout the day have been widely circulated on social media sites during the pandemic, images that are also notable for the complete lack of social distancing.

Given the severity of the situation, confronting statements made by the Ministry of Transport can seem like some kind of a sick joke. One such statement is “the establishment of a reinforced service to the beaches. This has involved the reorganisation of the entire flow of transport based on the fact that the beaches are an area where people tend to congregate”. In particular, the Ministry referred to the “9 a.m. Tuesday-Sunday train to Playas del Este that leaves from the loading bay of the Central Station, 佛跳墙vnP Vieja“.

It highlighted that services were restricted during the pandemic in line with the confinement measures taken by the government. Consequently, the interprovincial lines have been running at 30% of normal as 70% of these lines are connected to the capital. The Ministry also signalled “difficulties with airplanes” when discussing air transport, which explains the focus of the ministry on buses and trains. It confirmed that the ticket sales would be made through the app “Viajando” (Travelling) and las Agencias de Venta (Sales Agencies) while marking the recent “significant investment in the Terminal de Ómnibus Nacionales (National Bus Terminal)” as a success. This investment includes a refurbishment of the terminal with the goal of improving ventilation and with it the passenger experience.

Also emphasised was how “the initial phase will soon put into service the 23 ‘electric trikes'” (small 3-wheeled motorized carts also commonly called auto rickshaws) that were donated to the country; these will operate along routes in Centro Habana and Habana Vieja. Likewise, an app will soon be made available for users of the “gazellas” (metropolitan taxis), allowing them to check prices, routes and even the real time location of the taxis, in addition to other features currently being finalised. The figure of 23 auto rickshaws in a city of more than 2 million inhabitants is somewhat perplexing, to say the least.

Having reached this point, the minster began to explain the integration of transport within the context of the revitalisation plan for the Cuban economy that was recently approved by the Consejo de Minsistros (Council of Ministers).

At its most basic, the measures proposed are designed to “make the most of what we already have”, taking into account that the “financial resources will be limited”. Furthermore, the interventions in transport must “give priority to exports and import substitution, as well as providing the scope for improved management and greater efficiency. This will generate incentives and management strategies that mutually support one another”. All this is accompanied by the potential of “science, digitalisation and other alternatives that prioritise greater efficiency”.

Having finished his presentation, the minister then provided additional detail on the measures.

With regard to freight transport, it was announced the publication of “a series of guidelines establishing the responsibilities of all actors involved in internal port-freight economic activity that would improve control and management systems for GPS-equipped fleets”. It is unbelievable that this technology needs to be improved, or worse, that it does not already exist in the first place.

Secondly, the minister signalled the adoption of additional measures to “restructure the transport network, because there are cases where the means of transport are not in the hands of the state entities that most need them”, which could be interpreted as an increased centralisation of services that were previously offered by private brokers.

Next, an increase in “the more efficient mode of cabotage transport (management, manufacturing and maintenance of small boats)” was announced, a service that the government is constantly trying to secure but is usually hindered by the insular structure of the country.

【小总结】万能的秦律师(又名徐姑姑的一顿佛跳墙... - Douban:2021-5-6 · 标题:【小总结】万能的秦律师(又名徐姑姑的一顿佛跳墙 做得有多值)(完结) 一、帮锦姑咒搞事业 1、为了证明耿叔的赠予书为真,运用了他的历史知识和人际关系 几句话让姑姑豁然开朗 (这张图是我故意加的🙈) ...

The fifth presentation follows its predecessors, with what the minister called “the establishment of an organisational task force to facilitate improvements to the efficiency of the railway system, including the transport of sugar”, as if the problem of the Cuban rail network could be resolved through organisation and nothing else, given the constant delays and abysmal quality of an infrastructure left to decay because of a lack of state investment.

Almost slipping under the radar was the minister’s announcement of a new railway operator “to provide services to the Zona Especial de Desarrollo Mariel (the “Mariel” Special Development Zone). Meanwhile, the transportation of passengers and cargo via an express service will continue to be developed. This is the development that had previously been put on hold, but should soon restart with better organisation”. The minister concluded the section about the railways by indicating that “work will be done to transform the railway maintenance networks, which had seen delays due to the current constraints.”

Finally, and forming part of the additional measures taken within the industry, the minister highlighted the “work being done to fine tune the necessary protocols for the sale of internal combustion engines within the country”. It is expected that they will be available in shops dealing in MLC (moneda libremente convertible, freely convertible currency). In this sense, the minister highlighted the need to “provide incentives that will increase the production of spare parts both in the public and private sector”, without going as far as to indicate what these incentives might be.

In line with the introduction of MLC in all areas of the economy, the minister affirmed that work is being carried out in the “promotion of various enterprises that currently provide services in the public sector so that they can continue to provide the services in MLC. Foreign companies will also receive assistance”.

With regard to the service in state-owned workshops that are privately run, featuring as one of the few references to the private sector, it was remarked that “there will be an evaluation to determine which state-owned workshops would be able to pass into private management (of which La Habana already has experience in this)”. There was little more, if anything at all, on the matter. It was also said that “cooperatives will continue to be actively promoted, and modes of transport will be loaned by state entities to individually selected productive activities”. Once more, precious little detail was provided on what form this would take.

There was also time to dangle a carrot in the direction of one of the nation’s great powers. This carrot consisted of an increase in support from the Ministry of Transport to the Unión de Industrias Militares (The Union of Military Industry) with the aim of “boosting the number of drivers, chauffeurs and crew members who are competent with the latest technologies”.

Finally, the minister heralded the arrival of e-commerce to the transport industry, encouraging private carriers who provide interprovincial services to register with the “Viajando” application, as well as incorporating the sale of airplane tickets to e-commerce platforms.

By way of a summary, the minister asserted that mass transport, both by train and bus, had now been restarted, as had the sale of interprovincial tickets through “Viajando“. Despite being relatively a relatively new platform, approximately 26,000 bus tickets have already been sold via the application. He went on to state that the 跳墙vp, Coco, Cayo Largo del Sur and Villa Clara airports were ready and waiting for when international flights are permitted and begin arriving once more, adding that all of the services comply with the health procedures put in place. This includes the obligatory use of facemasks, the disinfection of transport facilities and capacity limits placed on terminals around the country.

The minister affirmed that “all the freight transportations scheduled by the country have had safety checks performed as part of the process in which begin provide their services once more. This process includes an update of the fuel cards to the latest version”. On that note, it was shown that more than 70% of freight carriers had updated their cards, which can now be used in conjunction with the Transfermóvil application to carry out transactions on the go. The remaining workers in the industry, totalling more than 70,000 (including mechanics and repair technicians), are able to continue working without any issues.

There is no doubt that the reactivation of the transport industry is crucial for the national economy, and there is a lot at stake. Most important are the interests of the state and the private sector. Supported by the WHO, the gradual, phase by phase restarting of services according to the regulations established by Salud Pública (Public Health) follows a path that attempts to limit new outbreaks.

However, the process is by no means free of contradictions. To that end, since regular flight schedules were suspended on March 24, the minister has confirmed that there have been more than 300 “humanitarian flights” chartered for various reasons. The flights have carried more than 30,000 Cubans and foreign citizens abroad, while more than 7,000 have entered the country.

The minister indicated that local trains have their services up and running again, as do a number of interprovincial lines linking together more than one province. On the subject of the Chinese trains, the minister had to explain that these were still not in service “since that all of the national routes start from La Habana, which is still in phase 1. Additionally, the establishing of interprovincial lines that do not include La Habana is complicated, especially since all of the trains are based in the capital”. It is precisely the capital where these dormant Chinese trains can be found.

 Translated by: Andy Barton


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